Interview Maurice Gonzenbach & Pascal De Buren, Caplena Large Language Models in Market Research

What is the role of Large Language Models in market research? What are the challenges of adopting LLMs and how can companies strike the right balance between leveraging AI capabilities and retaining a human touch when analyzing their insights? Find answers to these questions in the interview.

Can today's LLMs be leveraged directly by insights departments or is there still some customization required? 

Maurice Gonzenbach: Today's Large Language Models (LLMs) have certainly come a long way regarding their capabilities. They offer a robust foundation for insights departments to extract valuable information from vast text data. However, it's important to note that while LLMs have a great understand of language in general, customization remains a key factor if you want to get to human level performance. Every business has its unique needs and industry-specific nuances. Harnessing the full potential of LLMs like Caplena involves fine-tuning the model to align with the insights department's specific goals and domain expertise through a collaborative process with the AI. 

Pascal De Buren: Absolutely! LLMs can be incredibly effective, but to make them truly valuable, we often collaborate closely with our clients to contextualize the model and adapt it to their specific requirements. This nudging ensures that the insights derived are accurate and directly actionable for their particular context. 

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What are some common challenges that insights departments face when implementing LLMs, and how does Caplena address them? 

Maurice Gonzenbach: Implementing LLMs can be a transformative process, but it's not without its challenges. One common hurdle is the sheer volume of data and ensuring that the model can handle it effectively (both in terms of time and cost). At Caplena, we've developed robust solutions to efficiently process and analyze large datasets, allowing insights departments to work seamlessly with vast amounts of information. 

Pascal De Buren: Another challenge is ensuring that the insights generated are not only accurate but also relevant to the specific business goals. Our approach at Caplena involves a deep understanding of each client's unique objectives. It is important that insight’s teams are able to easily customize their chosen LLM model for their specific use cases, ensuring that it aligns precisely with their needs and potentially business KPIs. This process is as easy as pie at Caplena, where we give the option to fine tune the model to the specific jargon and answers, without requiring any engineering effort. 

How can businesses strike the right balance between leveraging the capabilities of AI and maintaining a human touch in their insights analysis? 

Pascal De Buren: AI should enhance human capability, not replace it. Combining the efficiency of automation with the nuanced insights of human analysis is where businesses can truly gain a competitive edge. 

Maurice Gonzenbach: Striking the right balance is crucial. Businesses need to integrate AI into their insights workflow to augment human analysis. Our software at Caplena is designed with this in mind, offering user-friendly interfaces and fine-tuning capabilities that empower insights professionals to harness the power of AI while retaining their expertise. 

Can you share some examples of industries or sectors that have benefited from integrating LLMs into their insights processes and what outcomes they achieved?

Maurice Gonzenbach: Certainly, we've seen remarkable benefits in various industries. Huge consumer good companies leverage reviews to benchmark themselves against the competition. One of the worlds largest online marketplaces employs AI to help the management understand their users’ most pressing issues. Tech platforms have used LLMs to uncover consumer preferences and optimize product offerings, increasing sales and customer loyalty. 

Pascal De Buren: The aviation and travel sectors have benefited by using LLMs to improve customer journeys and identify real-time issues, enhancing their decision-making processes for a better travel experience. These are just a couple of examples that illustrate the versatility of LLMs in delivering concrete, actionable insights across diverse industries. 

Pascal de Buren, one of Caplena’s Co-Founders and Machine Learning Engineer, combines deep AI development in Natural Language and Computer Vision with vast experience in bringing AI technology into products. Pascal developed patented AI software for one of the largest insurance software providers in the world before founding Caplena. He holds a master’s degree in interdisciplinary sciences from ETH Zurich.

As Co-Founder of Caplena, Maurice Gonzenbach strives to make the most recent achievements in the machine learning area accessible to the market research industry. Maurice obtained his master’s in Computational Science & Engineering from ETH Zurich, winning the prestigious international SemEval Contest in 2016 with his Master thesis on sentiment classification. Besides that, he regularly provides CAS lectures and trainings in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for ZHAW, HWZ, MRS and corporates.

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