Presentation and whitepaper, by succeet22 Premium Partner Kantar Kantar Marketplace – a case study from the sweet world of chocolate bars

A powerful market research platform – that’s what Kantar Marketplace aims to be, combining the best of technology, the validated brand strength and innovation models of our Premium Partner Kantar and the expertise of their consultants. At succeet22, Daniela Blenke and Dr. Lisa Stoll will present the tool in a case study from the sweet world of chocolate bars. Their presentation will take place on 20 October, from 10:50-11:20 am (in German). Get a taste of Kantar Marketplace now.

The smart marketer's guide to choosing a market research platform

In this whitepaper, you will learn how choosing the right market research platform enables you to test faster and more accurately, gain valuable insights and take immediate action, and get to know the Kantar Marketplace platform.

Kantar Marketplace is a platform that offers sophisticated, affordable research tools for a high-speed brand management process. From initial idea to monitoring. For product development, communications, media, and brand. The platform combines the best of technology, our validated brand strength and innovation models and the expertise of our consultants. 

And Kantar Marketplace is also the topic of a presentation by Kantar at succeet22:

Sign up for the presentation (in German): "Die zarteste Versuchung, seit es Marktforschung gibt: Beschleunigen Sie mit Kantar Marketplace ihr Markenwachstum"

That's how Kantar announce their session:

"Join us as we dive into a case study from the sweet world of candy bars and learn how we use low-cost, high-speed research to assess brand strength and positioning via our validated Meaningful Different Framework and the world's largest brand database, what growth drivers we have discovered, which barriers in the market need to be overcome to leverage growth opportunities; and how innovation opportunities can be quickly identified, assessed, and exploited. We are looking forward to your participation!"

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