"In-App Tracking - a new passive measurement technology."

What is in-app tracking and what is special about it? What insights can be gained with it, what benefits does it have and what role will the collection of behavioral data play in the future? Find out what this new passive measurement technology is all about in an interview with Andrea Eckes from DCORE GmbH.

succeet is just around the corner and you will be part of the programme with a presentation. It will be about "In-App Tracking", a new passive measurement technology offered by Talk Online Panel. Can you please briefly describe what exactly this new tracking method can do and what added value it offers?

In-app tracking is part of the passive data measurement we offer in collaboration with Talk Online Panel. We collect usage data from a group of panelists who have special metering software installed on all their devices. This usage data gives us insights into the websites visited, the mobile apps used, search terms in search engines, among other things.

What is new is that we can now also measure in-app behaviour - and this also for the ‘walled gardens’ such as the social media platforms Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook. This makes it possible to precisely analyse user behaviour and, for example, to measure specific events such as advertising contacts and the immediate behaviour afterwards and to link them with survey data.

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Das Potenzial von In-App Tracking: Die Wirksamkeit von Social Media Marketing messen
25 October, 2023, 14:30 pm  

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What is special about this passive measurement technology?

The unique aspect of passive measurement technologies is that the online behaviour of the panelists is registered comprehensively and objectively. Unlike questionnaires, it is not the opinion but rather the real online behaviour of consumers that is recorded. For the first time, it is now possible to look into the ‘walled gardens’ of social media platforms. In addition to the passive data measurement of internet behaviour, our partner Talk Online Panel also enables the measurement of geolocation data and audiovisual data. This passively measured data can in turn be supplemented by survey and profiling data and combined offer a 360° view of the effectiveness of a campaign.

What valuable insights can be gained from the analysis of in-app data?  And how does DCORE implement these insights for its customers on the institute side?

Through a comprehensive analysis of the so-called 'mobile data streams', we can identify which panelists had contact with various social media campaigns and influencer postings. In addition to a brand lift study, the effectiveness of social media marketing can be reliably measured for the first time. This allows actual contacts to social media campaigns to be measured at panelist level across platforms as well as measuring advertising impact. As a result, our clients at DCORE are able to track the increasingly important advertising channel of social media in a comparable way to the classic advertising genres, to evaluate the effect and to make deductions for the right media strategy.

Who will benefit most from in-app tracking?

In-app tracking is particularly interesting for those clients and customers who advertise or want to advertise via social media platforms and influencer campaigns and who want to know which target groups are reached via social media. By tracking user activity, they can better understand target groups, optimize advertising campaigns and serve personalized ads, which can lead to higher conversion rates and better ROI. This in-app data can also be used to analyze trends and behavioral patterns that provide insights into consumer preferences and behavior.

What role do you think behavioral data collection will play in the future?

From our experience, interest in behavioral data has increased significantly in recent years and will be an indispensable component for future market research. This is because tracking data provides insights into the actual behavior of consumers and thus offers valuable information for the development of marketing strategies, product design, customer retention and acquisition. With the advent of digital technologies and the increasing online presence of consumers, behavioral data is a rich source of insights into the preferences, habits and needs of target groups. It enables companies to develop their offerings in a customer-centric way, optimize their marketing activities and remain competitive.

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