succeet GmbH
Newsletter • 18 August 2021
  • New topics from the succeet21 agenda
  • What's hot at the MOC Munich this autumn? Interview with Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy CEO Messe München GmbH
  • Take a look at the floor plan: final booking phase underway
  • And: news from quantilope and our reading tips
succeet21: the trade show for the insights industry, 27–28 October, in Munich.
More details incl. exhibitor informationexhibitor list and hall plan on our website
Best regards – and: let's succeet together!
succeet21 • event news
New topics from the Munich agenda
From VR to XM² – everything on show at succeet21
The succeet21 agenda is becoming more and more impressive. In the last newsletter, we presented some of the first topics – in this issue, there is the latest follow-up. The time schedule and registration modalities are still in the planning stage, more about that soon.
So here now further topics for the Munich event in October, announced in the language of the respective session: 
  • Insights Ecosystem: How leading insights managers boost marketing ROI designing an actionable insights engine (quantilope)
  • Next Level Customer Immersion mit VR-Tools (Point Blank)
  • Die neue Vielfalt digitaler qualitativer Forschung: Orientierung, Beispiele und Inspiration (KERNWERT)
  • Automated Segmentation for Fast-Paced Innovators (quantilope)
  • Influencer als Ideengeber – Wie P&G von Social Media Expert*Innen profitiert (Ipsos / Procter & Gamble / Mikro-Influencerin Nicole Voorvaart-Schulte)
  • Market researchers, you can have it all: speed, scale and quality (Cint / GapFish)
  • Werbeforschung 2022 – coronakonform, divers, nachhaltig und bitte kein Shitstorm! (MediaAnalyzer)
  • Junge Deutsche 2021 – Die Lebens- und Arbeitswelten der 14-39-Jährigen in Deutschland (respondi / Jugendforscher Simon Schnetzer)
  • Know what you are in for – the „mysterious ways“ of online quantitative sampling and its sources (JTN)
  • Ist das Forschung oder kann das weg? Über Fake News und Verantwortung. (INFO GmbH)
  • Programmatische Werbewirkungsforschung: Pretest-Simulationen für die strategische Kommunikationplanung (GapFish / Pilot)
  • Konstruktive Kommunikationsforschung: Wie ein standardisiertes quantitatives Design qualitative Insights liefert (INNOFACT)
  • White Spot Pflegemarkt – der am meisten unterschätzte Milliardenmarkt? (Ipsos)
  • Insight x Foresight – von den Bedürfnissen im Heute zu den Erwartungen von Morgen (Point Blank)
  • Marketplace Dynamics: Wie Supplier auf einem Marktplatz entscheiden, welche Studien sie priorisieren (Lucid Germany / BitBurst)
  • One-Stop-Research: Wie die Arbeit von Consumer Insights Abteilungen erleichtert (Norstat)
  • BUZZ!Types: Die Grammatik der Spot-Sprache (MediaAnalyzer / concept m)
  • Dem Kunden auf der Spur: Zielgruppen dank Bewegungs- und Geodaten finden und erreichen. (GapFish / GIM)
And in our special CX there will be topics such as:
  • Customer Centricity dank Insight Community – wie Mercedes-Benz und Daimler Mobility agieren (Kantar)
  • "XM²“ als ultimativer USP: Wie CX & Communities zum perfekten Doppelpack für mehr Kundenbindung werden (SKOPOS CONNECT)
  • Return on CX Invest - worauf es im CX Management wirklich ankommt. (Ipsos)
  • ... ... ...
As of 16 August 2021. More details shortly. Stay tuned.
Photo: Wachira Khurimon
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Photo: Rclassenlayouts
Interview with Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Messe München GmbH
Trade shows in autumn: being well prepared is essential
How exactly are we to imagine a trade show event in autumn at the MOC Munich? After our visit to the pilot trade fair TrendSet, we wanted to know more and asked Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer. As Deputy CEO of the management board of Messe München GmbH, his responsibilities include guest events and the MOC Munich, venue of succeet21.
succeet: We were really impressed by the pilot trade fair TrendSet that was held in Munich in July. Visiting the trade fair felt almost normal for us. What feedback did you receive, Dr. Pfeiffer?
Dr. Pfeiffer: As the pilot trade fair for Germany, all eyes were on TrendSet. Interest from political quarters was accordingly great, and other trade fair organizers came in person to see for themselves how effectively and safely the event was run. The response from all the trade fair participants was positive across the board. The hygiene concept was implemented successfully, and the applicable safety and hygiene measures were observed by visitors, exhibitors and partners in an exemplary manner.

The Messe München safety and hygiene concept was tested at the pilot trade fair TrendSet. How did it fare in practice?

Dr. Pfeiffer: TrendSet impressively showed that live trade fairs with an audience and the existing hygiene and infection protection measures can be held safely and successfully. Based on that, the Bavarian government granted official approval at its cabinet meeting on July 20, 2021 for trade fairs starting from August 1, 2021.
Very briefly, what specifically applies at the MOC? Please outline the main aspects of the safety and hygiene concept.

Dr. Pfeiffer: An integral part of the currently valid safety and hygiene concept is the VCR concept, which allows for only those who are vaccinated, checked or recovered to attend a trade fair. In addition, digital registration and access systems, optimum ventilation, seamless distancing rules, the wearing of FFP2 masks by trade fair visitors, seamless contact tracing, space and capacity management, visitor guidance, and professional testing concepts by the organizers contribute to the safe running of trade fairs.
Are there places or situations that require no mask – such as conversations at the booth with a spit protection screen? And what is the situation in the outdoor areas?
Dr. Pfeiffer: Masks may only be removed indoors in catering areas, when seated, for example. Outdoors, trade fair participants can dispense with wearing a mask as long as they maintain a safe distance of 1.5 meters.

Back to the pilot trade fair: TrendSet had more than 16,600 visitors over three trade fair days. How did admission with registration and the VCR concept work? Was there congestion, for example, at critical points like check-in or hall access?

Dr. Pfeiffer: Participants had prepared well for the VCR concept. Despite peak times, we were very satisfied with admission. It is important, however, that all visitors already get tested before they travel to the exhibition grounds. That eases the admission situation at events even at peak times.
We were informed that the halls of MOC Munich will be ventilated exclusively with fresh air, with one complete air exchange every hour. Our event is at the end of October. What kind of hall temperature should we be prepared for? To what extent should we expect drafts?

Dr. Pfeiffer: Ventilation in the halls will be controlled with the use of sensors, and we will not use any recirculated air. Even at outdoor temperatures below zero, the regular hall temperature will reach a very pleasant 21 degrees Celsius. That means, no cold halls or drafts are to be expected during our trade fair events.
Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer has been Deputy CEO of Messe München GmbH since April 2014. He is responsible for the division that covers technology trade fairs and capital goods trade fairs in Germany and abroad, as well as the end consumer trade fair He is also in charge of the business unit Guest Events, the ICM – International Congress Center München, and the MOC Veranstaltungscenter München. Dr. Pfeiffer started his career at Messe München GmbH as a member of the management board in July 2008. Before that, he was managing director of Bayern International GmbH for several years. Alongside Connecting Global Competence, it focuses on organizing trips for delegations and entrepreneurs, and Bavarian pavilions at trade fairs abroad.
Photos: Messe München GmbH
The industry
Carl West: new Client Development Director EMEA for UK
From GfK to quantilope
Carl West, formerly Client Success Director at GfK in London, is the new Client Development Director EMEA for quantilope. In his new function, he is responsible for expanding quantilope's insights automation platform in the UK market.
Carl joined quantilope as the new Client Development Director on August 1, 2021. Together with the team in the new UK office in London, he is responsible for expanding the insights automation platform into the UK market and for scaling quantilope’s european business.
Photo: quantilope
On our own behalf
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Our reading tips at (in German)
◾️ AI-based feedback analysis tools at Joyn: evaluation, implementation, stumbling blocks and future. A field report by Maurice Gonzenbach, Caplenahere.
◾️ What makes good visual storytelling and how does it differ from pure data visualisation – by Alexander Skorka, Forstahere.
◾️ Official permission has been granted for trade shows in Bavaria from 1 August 2021 –  irrespective of COVID incidence levels. Read on here ?
Photo: Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash
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Telephone: +49 7151 90 383 90 | Telefax: +49 7151 90 383 90 |
Handelsregister: HRB: 775067 | Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Vertreten durch: Heinrich Fischer, Holger Geißler und Simone Waller-Klink
© 2021 succeet GmbH
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