succeet Blog


Digitalisation has fundamentally changed the way we collect and analyse information. Especially in market research, a lot has happened in recent years. Whereas in the past, market research was mainly outsourced to large full-service agencies, small and medium-sized companies now have the opportunity to conduct market research independently and cost-effectively. In this way, the trend towards increased customer focus can be successfully embraced. But what about the quality of the data generated by DIY research? Read >

How online reporting solutions can make working with data easier is what Lea Margarete Schlue from SKOPOS ELEMENTS will be showing at Week of Market Research with a real-life use-case: "Modern, Target Group Specific & Flexible – How Market Data Dashboards at Carlsberg Ensure Better Decisions". In this interview, she presents her webinar topic and reveals what makes the beer market so special. Read >

Speed with the help of AI-based tools? Yes! But it is even more important to develop a deep understanding of the issues, share knowledge and derive clear recommendations for action – so say Katja Birke and Christiane Bernsen from Produkt + Markt. With their Insight Lounge format, they present a new mode of working in which they closely involve all relevant stakeholders and aim to fully understand the target group. Read >

How are consumers adapting to the rising cost of living? How have their priorities changed? Brandwatch, Exclusive Sponsor of Week of Market Research, looked into the online conversations around shopping to identify how consumer shopping behavior has changed. In this blog, they take a closer look at the latest shopping trends. Read >

With a view to the global situation, Christoph Welter, Point Blank, Dr. Uwe H. Lebok, K&A BrandResearch, and Sebastian Stahlhofen, Talk Online Panel, talk in the interview about what is currently on their minds. The three Premium Sponsors of Week of Market Research also share their thoughts on the use of ChatGPT, they talk about why brands remain inexperienced despite experienced marketeers and why online methods are indispensable even after Corona. Read >

Mobile ethnographic research is more relevant than ever: thanks to the smartphone, it has never been so easy to research the everyday lives of consumers and to get very close to their daily routines and behaviours. Interview with Kathrin Schaarschmidt, Director Qualitative Research at SKOPOS, about the advantages of this method compared to traditional ethnographic research. Read >

Digitalisation creates a range of new possibilities in behavioural research. Beat Fischer from intervista gives an overview of state-of-the-art methods such as geolocation tracking, passive metering, cookies and predictive eye tracking. Read this interview and sign up for the webinar at Week of Market Research. Read >

Psyma provides customised solutions for your individual tasks. The focus is on people and their motives - across cultural boundaries. Commitment, flexibility, consistency, expertise and personal support are more important to the institute than standard solutions. Read >

Are customer sounding boards the future of agile market research? What distinguishes a sounding board from other customer feedback methods and what makes for good implementation? This is what the SKOPOS NOVA webinar at Week of Market Research is about. Vitalij Malahov gives first insights into the topic in the interview. Read >

Artificial intelligence is currently experiencing a lot of hype, especially due to ChatGPT. Even before that, the topic was on everyone's lips, but now every single agency seems to be dealing with it. This is also the case with Produkt + Markt. In this interview for their webinar on 8 May at the Week of Market Research, Michael Kutz will reveal how qualitative projects get more speed with the help of AI tools. Read >

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